Poetry and Charity

A colourful and warm-hearted evening event in Hebden Bridge Hebden Bridge from above Calder Holmes Park. The book launch venue is at the canal marina to the bottom left. Hebden Bridge is a 500-year-old town deep in the Calder Valley in the English Pennines – a range of high hills…

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A Dream of Colors

After much valiant and serious facing of the big bad world of publishing, as pertains to my book-which-is-trying-out-its-big-strong-wings-but-is-yet-new, events evolved into such a place that it was relevant and indeed correct for me to cease my struggles, scrounging, and bullet-biting for a little while. I could hardly believe it…freedom, after…

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Bras and Bread

Ok, this is a big fat rant, about two things almost impossible to find in this consuming-mad, insectoidally-voracious, provide-anything-whatsoever-and-somebody-will-buy-it world. I’ll start with the bread, ha ha, and work up to the bras, though it just sounded better to put the latter first in the title. Ha ha. (I’m full…

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My Musings

We’re driving home as dusk comes up out of the air over the flattish land and turns it all inwards. Over the hills slight as breathing, from within the ground, creeping slowly but sure, grey and mauve and deeper darkness come – turning things over like a mouse turning in…

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Five Human Nourishments

You know how when you’re hiking and you come over a rise and see below you a lake – as flat as gravity can make it, blue-lit by the sky; edges fringed with summer-leaved trees? And the very waterness of it, its placidity, the surprise: and something in you relaxes…

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