Slug Haiku

I’m back in Missouri, sooo enjoying garden (strawberries are the most incredible thing to grow – great ground cover, and then they just start giving you this wealth of jewels, a quart of them a day! Wow!), life, house, man, life, body, meditation, life…Scotland was tops, have written about it for friends but don’t feel like posting…Really not at all sure why I have a blog, since it really only makes sense for me if I have lots of time to fool around with it in. So I’m not intending to feed it as regularly as before; don’t want to be at its mercy timewise. Now intending to feed it just when it sort of happens…when I’m in the mood, and can sit here and poke happily and with frowning concentration at a bunch of keys while things spin out. Plenty of topics up my sleeve, but they’ll have to wait…

Anyway, here’s a wee thingie.

Slug Haiku

slug takes one round bite

of each best red strawberry –

then moves on. Spoiled slug!